What’s most important in the Hublock Last Mile package?

Map for last mile logistics

The map in the Hublock Last Mile package not only makes it possible to view the status of a delivered shipment or to determine where it is at any given time. It is a modern planning tool that ideally meets the requirements of last mile logistics services. It allows you to determine the time of delivery of a consignment with an accuracy of 5 minutes, regardless of how often a driver changes his route (e.g. due to traffic jams in the city). In addition, you can divide the delivery area into zones, which is extremely helpful when planning pick-ups and deliveries and allows you to act quickly in situations that are not foreseen in the daily planning of delivery routes. This not only saves time but also reduces fuel costs.

Hublock Platform, Real- Time tracking

Accurate shipment list

Our shipment list with all the details about the status of your packages. You easily see where and when the shipment was scanned by the driver, what its status is. You can also add or change the status of the shipment yourself. Estimated delivery time visible at a glance. Delivery delays visible immediately. Easy to download and share tracking url, because Hublock knows the importance of good communication with the recipient of the last mile.

With Hublock you become truly eco-friendly

In last-mile logistics, the issue of being -eko- is no longer just a matter of fashion or opinion, but a necessity. Recent years of e-commerce growth, driven by a worldwide epidemic, have caused deliveries in metropolitan areas to take second place (just behind aviation) in the most carbon-intensive transportation category. Hublock gives you a real impact on the ecology and production of your carbon footprint: you can plan your deliveries thanks to precisely plotted pickup and delivery zones, you avoid “transporting air,” and finally you have the option to switch from car delivery to bike delivery, because they are also in Hublock’s orbit!

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